Hair Transplant in Bangalore, India

Hair transplant is an advanced surgical procedure where hair follicles from one part of the body (generally called the "donor site") are extracted and are transplanted onto the part of the body(generally called as the "recipient site") where the person is suffering from baldness.

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant in Bangalore is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in India.

It is most commonly used for treating bald scalps. It is also used for the restoration of eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair and any possible place where there is hair growth. Hair Transplantation in Bangalore, India is one of the common procedures that are performed to fill in scars caused by accidents or surgeries.

What is Hair Transplant?

Natural hair growth occurs in a grouping of 1-4 hair. In a hair transplant, Follicular Units are placed in these natural groupings that lead to giving a fuller, natural appearance of the hair by mimicking the natural hair growth. This procedure is called Follicle Unit Transplantation(FUT). There are two ways of FUT:

  1. Strip Harvesting
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE)

Strip harvesting is commonly used for removing hair and follicles from the donor site. Once that is done, the Doctor harvests a strip of skin in the balding area where there is good hair growth. FUE hair transplant is the traditional method where a strip of skin bearing hair is taken from the back or side of the scalp and dissected to separate the individual grafts.

Some of the Reasons to Undergo Hair Transplantation in Bangalore:

  • Affordable Hair Transplantation Cost in India
  • Low-cost Hair Transplant In India
  • Provides the Best Hair Transplant in Bangalore
  • Long term results
  • Builds back confidence
  • Gives you a youthful look
  • High quality and long-lasting results
What is the Cost of Hair Transplant in Bangalore, India?

FUE Hair Transplant Cost:- The Cost of FUE Hair Transplant in Bangalore varies from Rs. 29,999/- to Rs. 69,000/- only. FUE Hair Transplant is cheaper than FUT and FUE is one of the most safest hair transplant procedure.

However Hair Transplant cost in Bangalore varies from person to person due to the following reasons:

  • Highly qualified Hair Transplant Surgeons
  • The extent of Hair Loss
  • Number of Grafts to be planted
  • Hair transplant technique Used by Surgeon
  • Number of sessions/sittings suggested by the Hair Transplant Surgeon
  • Hair Characteristics or texture
  • Number follicles required to transplant
  • Donor area

FUT Hair Transplant Cost:

The Cost of FUT Hair Transplant in Bangalore, India varies from Rs.80,000 to Rs.1,00,000/- only. FUT Hair Transplant is more compared to FUE Hair Transplant. Howere The Exact Cost FUT Hair Transplant will depend on the amount of work taken to finish the surgery. So it is important that examination decides the price.

Sometimes cost will be decided once the client sends his pics by mail or WhatsApp.

Why Might you Need a Hair Transplant in Bangalore India?

Hair is considered the "crown "of the body. Healthy-looking hair can boost a person's confidence immensely. If you suffer from any kind of baldness or bald spots, it not only affects your confidence but also makes you look way elder than you are.

DocplusIndia is one of the best platforms to find the Best Hair Transplant clinics in India who offer Low-cost hair transplant in Bangalore, India.

Why Should you Consider Docplusindia for your Hair Transplant in Bangalore?

DocplusIndia helps you find the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore, India and offer the Low Cost FUE Hair transplant in India. DocplusIndia curates a collection of the best doctors and websites to help you find the best in your required field.

Our aim at DocplusIndia is to provide the most affordable and cheap services to its customers without compromising on the quality of the service.

We at DocplusIndia provide hair transplantation packages based on the patient's needs, comfort and budget. Based on the patient's basic and surgical requirements, we design our medical services packages. Apart from the High Quality & successful surgical treatments, here are some of the general services we offer:-

Surgical Benefits

  • Highest Success Rate
  • No Stitches
  • No Scar
  • No Cut
  • Easy EMI's
  • Easy Loans for Surgery
  • No Hidden Cost
  • Effective
  • Affordable

Non-Surgical Benefits

  • Loans at zero per cent interest rates
  • Pre-Appointment with the Top Hair transplant surgeons in Bangalore India
  • Assistance on admission to the hospital or clinic
  • Arrangement of any pre-surgery tests if required
  • Arrangement of all types of medicines
  • Facilities for insurance
  • Loans with minimal documentation
  • Helping in Arrangement of a mode of transport for the patients

What is Success Rate of Hair Transplant in Bangalore India?

The hair transplant success rate in Bangalore India is typically high as it involves transplanting the follicular units into the required area of the body. The success rate ranges from 10-80% and can take about three to five months.

The growth is similar to that of the natural hair and can eventually thin over time. When done in the right way, it gives a very natural look and very difficult even for the hairstylist to identify. Thereby, DocplusIndia helps you choose the Best Hair transplant clinic in Bangalore, India.

What are the Various Hair Transplantation Techniques Available?

  1. Strip Harvesting
    It is the most common technique where hair and follicles from the donor site are removed. From the posterior scalp, a strip of skin is harvested in the are of good growth. This procedure might leave a light scar which is later hidden once the hair starts growing.
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE)
    In this, individual follicular units are removed under local anesthesia, and then they are inserted into individual grafts. This is time-consuming but gives a very natural look.
  3. Follicular Unit Transplant(FUT)
    In this, a strip of skin bearing hair is extracted from the back or side of the scalp. Separate individual grafts are then inserted with the dissected pieces of the skin.
  4. Robotic Hair Restoration
    It is a type of follicular unit extraction(FUE) where the surgeon is assisted with robotic arms and robotic hair restoration devices with a camera.

PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP) Theory for Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss and balding are different from one another. In hair loss, there is a possibility of the hair growing back. It is not necessary to undergo hair transplant surgery if you are suffering from hair loss. A person suffering from hair loss can simply undergo PRP treatment in Bangalore to retain the glory of their hair.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy for hair loss treatment involves drawing the patient's blood. Once the blood is drawn, the blood is processed such that only the enriched cells i.e. the plasma remain. This plasma is then injected into the scalp using thin needles that stimulate the scalp, which results in natural hair growth.

What are the Symptoms of Baldness?

Baldness or hair fall is one of the most common issues faced by people. There can be many symptoms that help determine this. It can happen due to stress and other such factors.

Some of the symptoms are as listed below:

  1. Thinning of hair on the scalp area
    The hair on the scalp area may begin to thin. This may be caused due to genetic issues, stress, excessive heat produced by wearing helmets, using inorganic hair products and heat appliances.
  2. Sudden loss of hair
    This can be caused due to emotional or physical stress. Losing a loved one, recovery from surgery/accident or over-exposure to heat from heating tools.
  3. Scaling of patches and its spreading
    The cause for this could be due to ringworm infection. When touched or disturbed, it tends to spread accompanied by redness, swelling, breaking of hair and oozing at times.
  4. Circular patches
    In some cases, the person may notice a coin-sized balding spot. This may result in further balding of the area. It generally occurs in the scalp area but in some cases, might occur on the eyebrows as well. It may cause itching and irritation before hair-loss of that area.
  5. Full-body hair loss
    This might occur when the person is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. In this case, the hair usually grows back once the chemotherapy is completed.

What Causes Hair Loss/Balding?

There can be various causes of hair loss/balding to occur. It is influenced by various factors.

Some of the causes of hair loss/balding are as follows:

  1. Family heredity
    This might be if your family has had a history of balding or hair fall issues.
  2. Medicines and supplements
    Intake of certain medicines and supplements can cause hair to fall as a side effect.
  3. Hair treatments
    Chemical treatments such as hair colours, hair rebonding, straightening cause more damage than benefit to the hair and can lead to serious hair damage.
  4. Hormonal Changes
    Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, menopause or thyroid problems can also cause hair fall and balding.
  5. Stress
    Physical stress, mental stress, stress due to mental shock can be a cause of hair fall. This kind of hair fall is temporary.

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in India

On the basis of the Hair Transplant costs, success rates and patient’s reviews, we have specified below some of the Best Hair Transplant clinics in Bangalore.

Get your Hair Transplantation Surgery in the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in India

Hair is considered the “crown” of the body. Hair plays an important role in the overall appearance of a person. However, due to hectic lives, busy schedules and pollution, almost everyone suffers from hair- related problems. When there is extreme hair loss to a point where there are balding spots, hair transplantation comes to the rescue.

Thereby, it is extremely important that you only choose the Best Hair Transplant clinic in India for the crowning glory of your body. Planning your Hair Transplant in Bangalore with the best of surgeons gives you the satisfaction that you are in safe hands. The hospitals mentioned above are founded by the best of the field and are known for providing quality treatment and using advanced pieces of equipment and well-known methods.

Benefits of choosing DocplusIndia For your Hair Transplantation surgery in Bangalore

  • Availability of loans
  • Zero-interest rates on loans
  • Easy EMI’s
  • Best Hospitals and surgeons under one roof
  • Insurance Facility
  • Low-cost surgery benefits
  • High success rates

Hair Transplant surgeons in India

Dr. Girish A C

Dr. Girish A C

Hair Transplant surgery cost:- The Cost of Hair Transplant Surgery in India Varies from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 90,000

Experience:- 20+ Years

4.8 (53 votes)

Medical Registration Verified

Profile is Claimed

Specialities:- Hair transplant, Skin treatment, Hair treatment and other cosmetic services

Dr. Guru Karna Vemula

Dr. Guru Karna Vemula

Rhinoplasty Surgery Cost:- The Cost of Hair Transplant Surgery in India Varies from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 90,000

Experience:- 17 Years

4.7 (53 votes)

Medical Registration Verified

Profile is Claimed

Specialities:- Hair transplant, Skin treatment, Hair treatment and other cosmetic services

Plan your Hair Transplant Surgery with the Leading Hair Transplant Surgeons In Bangalore, India

We help you find well-known Hair Transplant Surgeons in India who can provide Low-Cost Hair Transplant surgery to help you with your surgical process. We have the Best Cosmetic Surgery Clinics In India led by the Top Hair Transplant Surgeon in Bangalore, India for over two decades.

Here are a few points specified which will help you with your surgery:

  1. Low cost :
    We provide you with the most affordable surgeries by Highly experienced surgeons for Low-cost Hair Transplant in Bangalore, India
  2. Surgeon :
    We help you find the best Hair Transplant Surgeon for your surgery who practice in the Best Hair Transplant Hospitals in Bangalore
  3. Latest Technology :
    Fully equipped with the latest technology, our hospitals are the best for your liposuction surgery in Bangalore
  4. Success rate :
    The highest success rates and patient satisfaction is achieved by Indian Liposuction surgeons through their surgeries
  5. Infinite benefits :
    Choosing DocplusIndia for your surgery will provide you with endless benefits. You can also avail a free consultation with the Best Hymenoplasty surgeon in Bangalore.
Hair Transplant Surgery FAQ's

Ask A Question

Here are some of the frequently asked questions regarding Hair Transplant in Bangalore India.

1) How much will a hair transplant cost in India?

A hair transplant in India will cost you an average of Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,00,000/-. While it might cost you $4000 and above in the US. Comparatively, you can save 70-75% of the cost by getting it done in India.

2) How long will it take to heal after the treatment?

In most cases, the healing takes place in 3-5 days. In 2-3 weeks, there is a fall-off of the implanted hair, and new hair starts growing.

3) Will it be easy to figure out that I have had a hair transplant?

If done by a well-experienced and qualified doctor, the transplant will be seamless and have a very natural finish. Therefore, it is very necessary for you to select the best Doctor and the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in India for your transplant.

4) Will the procedure be done all at once or will I have sittings on different days?

Generally, hair transplants can take about 3-4 hours, and the stitches are removed after 8-10 days. Yes, you will have sessions depending on the area that needs to be covered. If you are aiming for a full head of hair, it might take three to four sessions several months apart so that the transplanted area gets time for healing.

5) How much will it cost without any insurance?

The cost of the transplant depends on the Doctor and the hospital you choose. It also depends on the kind of surgery you opt for.

6) Will I get a loan for a hair transplant?

Yes, definitely! We, at DocplusIndia, also provide loans at zero per cent interest rates.

7) Are the results long-lasting or permanent?

It is dependant on how it is taken care of. Once the hair is transplanted, the growth is just like your normal hair growth. The same way the hair can thin over time as well.

8) What are the precautions to be taken after the transplant?

The basic precautions to be taken are:

  • Sleep with your head elevated at 45 degrees for at least three nights after the surgery
  • Avoid dying the hair or any kind of fluid on the operated area
  • Avoid any kind of antibiotics like aspirin or frozen foods like ice creams for 3-5 days after the procedure

9) Are all the hair transplant surgeries successful?

Most of the surgeries are. About 10-80% ofthe surgeries are successful, and the patient can notice a change in 3-5 months when the transplanted hair begins to grow back completely.

10) How do I choose the Best Hospital for my Hair Transplant?

The criteria for choosing the Best hospital In Bangalore for your hair transplant surgery is as follows:

  • Credibility of the Surgeon
  • Surgery success rate
  • Cost of the surgery (As per your budget)
  • Hospital services and standards
  • Patient reviews

11) Can I go for a doctor consultation prior to opting for the surgery?

Of course! It is actually advised that you have a consultation with your preferred doctor and have a brief discussion about everything you want to know and clear all your inhibitions regarding the process.

12) Why should I prefer to do my Hair Transplant surgery in India?

ndia is known to have very highly qualified and experienced doctors. A majority of doctors are Indians as well. Not only this, the Hair Transplant Cost in India is comparatively less than the western Countries in huge margins.


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